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Friendship Bank

Friendship Bank

Event Concept “Thanks & Friendship”
As a concrete action under the event concept Thanks & Friendship, we support natural disaster-afflicted areas in Japan and overseas.

Friendship Bank

At the Kobe Marathon, one of the concrete actions we have taken under the event concept Thanks & Friendship is the establishment of a Friendship Bank to support disaster-hit areas in Japan and abroad. This action is based on the experience and lessons learned from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and centers around three types of support: human, material, and financial. We aim at an event that enhances the bank’s stock in various projects related to the marathon and comprehensively supports areas affected by natural disasters.

The Kobe Marathon supports areas affected by natural disasters. Among the projects related to the Marathon, we are enhancing the bank stock function that provides practical support (personnel, material and financial) to disaster-hit areas in Japan and abroad. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

【Please donate what you can to the following bank account.】

Bank Name Branch Name Account Type Account Holder Account Number
Minato Bank Headquarters Sales Department Savings account Kobe Marathon Friendship Bank 1850561